

A gamified AI Builder that assists individuals in breaking down their goals into achievable steps and provides personalized guidance along the way.

My Scope

UX Design
UX Research
UI Design
Brand Design
Logo Design
Brand Design

The Team

Product Designer - Me
UX Academy Mentor - Peter Ndirpaya


Figma, Google Suite, MilaNote, Spline



In response to the prevelance of analysis paralysis, which causes decision fatigue and missed opportunities, I created GamePlan. Based on research insights, GamePlan tackles over-analysis by offering actionable steps through a SMART goal framework. It acts as a personal coach, breaking down tasks into manageable steps and guiding users through a gamified experience that simplifies decision-making while fostering progress and goal achievement.4o

Design Process


My objective in creating was to gather insights and provide a solution for individuals who regularly set goals for their personal development, whether for side hustles, fitness, investing, or other pursuits.

Competitive Analysis

Through my competitive analysis I was able to discover the direct competitors for gamified productivity apps. Based on all of research, these are my main takeaways:
  • If gamification is a key point in the product it should be easily understood and explained.
  • There should be freedom for customization if not, keep the UI as clean as possible.
  • Users love seeing their progress and like to understand it in the easiest way possible, so this information should be easily accessed.
  • Habit tracking should be able to be seen in varying view points: week, month, year or daily through streak acknowledgement

User Interviews

To better understand the standard and tolerance of users who use AI tools on a weekly basis, I conducted interviews with 8 participants. My goal was to explore how individuals incorporate AI into their daily routines, both personally and professionally, and to gain insight into their perceptions of these tools’ effectiveness and limitations. Here is a summary of the information I gathered.

Personal use of AI Tools:

  • AI tools are used for personal tasks such as creating lists,
managing workouts, getting health advice.
  • Some users find AI tools helpful for job hunting, creating cover
letters, and planning itineraries.
  • ChatGPT is used for a range personal purposes, like
creating templates, assisting in gardening, and updating CVs.

Use of AI tools for:

  • ChatGPT is used for work tasks like responding
to emails, creating messages for clients, and generating newsletters.
  • AI tools are used in various professions: copywriting, concept
creation, creating rapport for general audience.

Trust and limitations of AI tools:

  • Users have mixed feelings about the trust of AI tools and
the authenticity of their output.
  • Users tend to edit the output of AI tools to make it sound more authentic and human.
  • AI-generated text can be easily detected when copied and pasted into human-facing documents and spaces, which is generally frowned upon.

UI Call-Outs

  • Interface should be designed in such a way that saves
user time, by reducing decision paralysis.
  • Tool introduction could be very helpful especially if
a tool is a bit too complex for a person with basic understanding
of AI tools.


To gather a deeper understanding of goal-setting behaviors, I conducted a study with 51 participants. The research revealed a diverse range of goal types, including career, personal development, health and fitness, financial, relationship, creative, and educational goals. Here were my key findings from this research.
  • Participants rate their commitment to their goals as 4 or 5 on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being low commitment and 5 being high commitment.
  • Preferred methods for breaking down goals include to-do lists, time-blocking, and mind maps.
  • Tools for tracking progress vary: journaling, digital apps, spreadsheets, visual aids, and accountability partners; some do not track progress tangibly.
  • Satisfaction with current methods is moderate, with most rating it 3 or 4 on a 1-5 scale, with 1 being low satisfaction and 5 being absolutely satisfied.
  • Tools for tracking progress vary: journaling, digital apps, spreadsheets, visual aids, and accountability partners; some do not track progress tangibly.


User Personas

To create my personas, I considered the range of users that would get the most out of the gamified goal setting features of the app. Through my interviews and surveys, I understand that my users are technologically sound individuals that have goals they can already speak to, or need help with.

How Might We

With my all my research and personas in mind I came up with How Might We statements that guided my design desicions.


Low-Fidelity Wireframes



Through the influence of other gamified applications. I was convinced to create a mascot for GamePlan. Taking into consideration GamePlan's apparent sport influence, I thought I take it back to the "literal" drawing board.


At its core, my idea for an AI productivity app was meant to aid users in the most efficient way possible. The phrase, "what's the gameplan?" popped into mind, and I felt it would give great potential towards GamePlan's future success.

Color Palette

I wanted a combination of colors that felt bright, productive, and clean. Staying true to a green chalkboard color to strengthen the brand story. I wanted to include colors that would be welcome to all users - not just sport savvy ones.


When I visualized what GamePlan can do for users, I wanted to be sure I designed a pleasant experience that was both professional and delightful.
Rounded M Plus felt like a perfect fit.


High-Fidelity Wireframes

After building the foundation of my wireframes and feeling confident int the brand design I moved on to my 1st set of High-Fidelity Wireframes.



I conducted usability testing with three different users, asking them to evaluate and rate two distinct flows: Onboarding and Introduction to Tool and Editing Game Plan. Each user rated the ease of these flows on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being difficult and 5 being easy. Flow 1 received an average rating of 4.6, while Flow 2 was rated 4.3.


My users gave me valuable feedback that they felt would provide me with flows that could be rated 5/5. Here are those Iterations:

Editting GamePlan

Users felt that the color swatches for the PLP were a bit too small and inaccessible, so I’ve gone ahead and enlarged them.

TimeBlock Feature

I added a TimeBlock view to further assist and guide the user into accomplish their goals.  

Final Mobile Frames

Takeaways and Reflection

Completing this project, showed me that I have gained so many skills to apply towards my design ideas. Through this project I was able to see both UX and UI skills shine through, and felt the strength of my research through my design decisions. Through meticulous research and planning, I was able to gather the viable information to design a seamless experience for my user.